Zilla Fantasy Dildo

$ 69.00

Embark on a whimsical journey into the world of pleasure and fantasy with the Zilla Fantasy Dildo.


Embark on a whimsical journey into the world of pleasure with the Zilla Fantasy Dildo. This enchanting creation combines the allure of anime-inspired aesthetics with the mesmerizing glow of fluorescent colors. Prepare to indulge in unforgettable sensations as you explore the depths of your desires under the ethereal glow of this extraordinary dildo.

Zilla Fantasy Dildo features a sleek and elegant 9″ design that’s sure to captivate your imagination. With its gracefully curved shaft, prominent veins, and stimulating textures, this dildo is a visual masterpiece that adds a touch of magic to your intimate moments. Oooh it even glows in the dark.

Additional information

Weight 554 g
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